Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hola from the Birmingham Shuttlesworth International (?really) Airport.

Justin's twin and his mom have dropped us off and we have successfully (with some effort) made it through check in and security. I should note that we arrived in style in the 1991 Chevy Astro Van, complements of Papa & Mama Schwartz (thank you!). Thank you also to Adam who got us here quickly and mostly safely.

Please excuse the photo above. This is us post-call & post overnight as we were getting ready to leave Children's this morning. This folks, is what being up all day and night will do to you. Now on to trashing our circadian rhythms even further by hopping on to an overnight flight to Santiago. At least being sleep deprived might help us sleep on the plane.

We are ecstatic to be leaving the ED and the PICU and heading towards warm and sunny Chile but not before passing through a pantheon of UAB greats (we salute you, Dr. Cerfolio) as we approach our terminal gate.
Bye Birmingham! Hopefully our next post will be from south of the equator!


  1. Thanks for posting. I love you and pray you have a safe flight tonight.

  2. hey ! I will be in the airport at 8 o clock
    see you!!!!

  3. Great post! I look forward to reading about the adventure!
